Transcribed from my video at

Not everyone is aware that there is a second voice other than your brain that you can choose to speak from. That is the soul’s voice. You know you are in that voice when you are less fearful and less judgmental.

The topic today is The Two Voices Within. If you find yourself constantly judging, criticizing life, its experiences, your experiences; if you find yourself having trouble coming out of negativity, out of a chatterbox mind, know that you can change this! There is another voice within you. It’s not just the brain; you are not just your brain. Your brain is really a part of you you’re extremely familiar voice that you use all the time, but perhaps unbeknownst to many people, there is another part of you that you do not use that often, which is another voice: it’s your soul’s voice. It’s something separate from your brain. How do you know you’re in your soul voice? How do you know you’re in your brain voice, your ego personality voice? I would call your brain voice more of your ego personality voice, and I would call the soul voice the real you, the true you.

(1:10) How do you know which voice you’re in? The ego personality/brain voice is usually fear: a lot of fear, doubt, judgment, criticism, past- and future-orientation. You’re not in your present; it’s more past and future obsessing, worrying. It’s enslaved by fear, by what other people think about me. You’re not in a free place when you’re in your ego personality, and you know that you are being led by other people’s expectations, judgments, perspectives. Usually it’s the hurt child having a field day, ruining your day with terrible decisions. That’s all the ego personality and the brain. And the truth is you contain your brain, but left to its own devices, it will be completely enslaved by all the things I just talked about.

(2:08) There is another voice within. You’ve got to find that other voice. It’s much stiller, quieter, but it is there nonetheless. It is your soul speaking. How do you know when your soul is speaking? Usually the soul is not judging, is not duality-oriented (this is good, that is bad). It says neutrally, this is interesting. It is noticing. It is more like a sports commentator, neutrally commenting on what’s going on. “This is a birthday party. This is a bankruptcy. This is a car accident. This is a raise.” It doesn’t attach too much to anything. It simply comments neutrally. You know you are in your soul voice when you are present-day oriented, versus past and future obsessing. You know you are in your soul voice when you are more an adult, less fearful, hurt child oriented. You are more accepting, more cooly looking at things neutrally. You are more accepting of what comes. You are more freedom oriented, not so enslaved by other people’s stuff. You are more trusting. You are more loving. You are more empowered. So for sure, it is a choice. If you know there is a second voice in there, other than the auto-pilot, fear-oriented personality voice, it is much more of a choice. You can make a decision at any given moment to be judgmental, or to be accepting. To be past- and future-oriented, or to be present day-oriented. To be in your hurt child, where you’re making reckless decisions, or to be in your adult. This is your opportunity to understand that you, at any given moment, have a choice. I encourage you to make the choice often to be in your soul voice, versus your ego personality voice. Remember to choose your soul voice often!

Victoria Lorient-Faibish MEd, CCC, RPP, RPE
Holistic Psychotherapist
Masters in Educational Psychology
Canadian Certified Counsellor
Registered Polarity Practitioner
Registered Polarity Educator
Reiki Master
New Decision Therapy


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